Dasha Ziborova
Medusa Gorgona is Wearing Balenciaga, 2022
Hand Painted Ceramic Plate, 8.23 x 5
Dasha Ziborova (b.Russia) is a visual artist, graphic novelist, and muralist. She was born in St. Petersburg, Russia, and came to New York in 1991. Dasha’s work has been shown at Art on Paper, Outsider Art Fair, The Center for Book Arts, Governors Island, DVAA, and Abecedarian Gallery among the few. Her trade book credits include five children’s books and an adult novel, Costalegre, from Tin House. She is also known for a series of large-scale murals for The Peninsula Hotel’s New York and Chicago locations; plaster reliefs for the Waldorf Astoria, and over 30 murals designed for the Atlantic Terminal in Brooklyn. Ziborova is also a founder and curator of the Broken English & Other Languages series which experiments with visual narrative and introduces authors and artists for whom English is the second English.
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